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How to Upskill Your Marketing Team Remotely

You may be concerned about the effect that remote working will have on your business and productivity levels. However, you really needn’t worry. There are actually plenty of benefits to be had by allowing for remote working in the digital marketing industry. Considering the services and work that’s carried out, it seems almost silly to […]

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How to Bounce Back from Outreach Rejection

Outreach isn’t always successful. It can be tough to get through to the right sources and platforms, especially if your attempts are rejected. If you’re new to the outreach game, it’s easy to take the rejection to heart, but you shouldn’t. There are multiple reasons as to why you might be rejected in outreach. However, […]

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How to Adapt Your Personas for Different Channels

Adapting personas for different channels is paramount when it comes to hitting the right target audience. Without the knowledge of how to be flexible with lots of different marketing methods, you could end up either targeting the wrong audience or not targeting any particular type of audience at all. You need to make sure that […]

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What is the Difference Between Green Marketing & Sustainable Marketing?

There is such an emphasis placed on environmental change and sustainable practices these days, to the point where businesses can no longer sit idle-by and not make any changes to the way in which they operate. In fact, it could harm a business if they do not take the right steps to being more eco-friendly […]

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What Are Brand Pillars?

Since the dawn of time, business owners have tried every method possible to market their company and generate leads and sales. Those practices only elevated with the introduction of the internet. Now, more business owners than ever before are looking to the net for some help in getting their company, their brand and their values […]

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