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3 Christmas Marketing Ideas You Could Use This Festive Season

Marketing is integral to the smooth running of businesses, especially when it comes to online presence and exposure. However, Christmas is the time when people make more purchases than at any other time of year. From gifts and food to drinks and partying, the economy sees a huge upturn in the amount of money people […]

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16 Marketing Jokes Worthy of a Christmas Cracker

It’s that festive time of year again and that gives us the perfect excuse to crack some marketing jokes that could, quite easily, make their way into a Christmas cracker. So pick up your hot chocolate, put your feet up and get ready to throw your head back in laughter at some of these cheesy […]

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7 Ways to Plan Your Christmas Content

In 2018, according to the BBC, 1 in 5 Brits had started and completed their Christmas shopping by November, with others pushing it right into the last weeks of December. With this in mind, we should be looking to plan and publish Christmas content at the right time, starting as early as October in some […]

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How to Boost Your Email Marketing Campaign This Christmas

Christmas is a crucial time for retailers regardless of the industry you trade in, so with this in mind, you must look to plan your Christmas content and publish it in good time. Many content creators start planning for the festive season in the summer, but it’s not the end of the world if you […]

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How to Make Your Christmas Content Stand Out from the Crowd

Around this time of year, content creators across the globe will be fighting to make their articles, infographics, videos and other pieces of content stand out from the crowd. So now is the time to give your everyday pieces of work a seasonal overhaul just in time for Christmas. But how can you do that, […]

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