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According to LinkedIn itself, LinkedIn is among the world’s most popular social networking platforms in this modern, digital age. The same source also states that there are now over 900 million LinkedIn users across the world, making it an incredibly worthwhile social media site to join if you’re a professional, regardless of the industry you work in. 

Whether you’re a seasoned LinkedIn user who is struggling to be seen or if you’ve only just signed up to the site, here are eight tips for making sure your LinkedIn profile gets maximum exposure:


1. Include a professional photograph & make your profile public

First impressions are everything. That’s why you need to make sure that your profile picture is professional and well-polished. The photo should simply be a headshot of yourself. It shouldn’t be a group photo or a picture that was taken while you were in a bar sipping mojitos. It needs to look clean and professional if you’re wanting to make a good impression on your prospective employers. 

Not only do you want to look the part for future jobs, but you also owe it to your current employer to look professional and well-rounded. This helps to maintain the reputation that your workplace has tried hard to establish and will work even harder to retain. Also, don’t forget to make your profile public, so as to reach as many people as possible.


2. Use industry-relevant keywords throughout your profile

If you want to make sure that your LinkedIn page is seen by people who are relevant, then you need to be using industry-relevant keywords throughout your profile. From the introductory description to the list of skills you have, sprinkle those industry-relevant keywords anywhere you can, in whichever way you can. 

This will help your profile to show up as high in the search engine results pages (SERPs) as possible. This way, you’ll only ever be seen and contacted by those who are looking to fill their vacant role. 


3. Make the LinkedIn URL your full name

Not only is this something that makes it more likely that you’ll be found when searched for, it also looks the part. It gives off a more professional appearance to those who are looking for a new hire to join their company. 

It’s up to you if you want to add middle names, or go by a different, professional name. Just as long as the URL contains the name you want to be known as professionally, then you’re good to go.


4. Include all of your professional skills & expertise

This part of your profile should include your skills and expertise that is relevant, wholly, to your work or the role that you wish to acquire in the future. It needs to clearly outline where your strengths lie, essentially telling your future employer why they should consider you for a role. 

From written skills to the ability to take minutes, if you have professional experience that you continue to take with you and build upon role-after-role, then include it in this section of your LinkedIn profile.

5. Add any publications, honours & awards to your profile

This relates somewhat to making sure you’re filling out all of your information, but this part of your LinkedIn profile is bespoke to you. While everyone can say they have “excellent communication skills”, for instance, not everyone can say that they’ve written industry-relevant papers, have outstanding qualifications in their chosen field and have won countless awards for the good of their work or their company. 

It shows that you’re dedicated and it also sets you apart from other people on LinkedIn who might have the same time in a job or have achieved the same degree as you, with the same marks. Put yourself in the spotlight by including any and all publications, honours and awards you might have. It doesn’t necessarily have to be relevant to your work, either. It could be something as simple as running the London Marathon. 

It might sound like unnecessary information, but it shows a future employer that you set goals and you do what you can to achieve them. It showcases work ethic as well as staying power and determination, and employers like that in a worker.


6. Fill out as much information as possible

Part of maintaining a transparent, trusted LinkedIn account is to include as much information about yourself as possible. From your name and qualifications to time in employment and everything in between, the more details you disclose about yourself, the more approachable and real you seem to the outside world. 

It makes it far easier for recruiters and employers to get in touch with relevant job opportunities. If they don’t know everything about you and the experience you have, the less tailored that role will be to you. In some cases, it might well cost you a job if a recruiter isn’t aware that you have experience in a similar role. Keep adding information to your LinkedIn profile and make sure it’s up to date as well.


7. Update it regularly

You need to make sure you’re staying active on your LinkedIn account, updating it as regularly as possible, but only when it’s necessary. Posting industry-relevant, professional content is a great way of catching the eye of your current employer and any prospective ones. 

Not to mention, it also shows that you’re online and using your account. If it looks as though you’re inactive, then employers and recruiters might not bother to get in touch with you about future prospects and opportunities.


8. Keeping adding & accepting new contacts

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by adding to your list of contacts, whether that’s accepting someone else’s request or adding someone yourself. Not only will they be relevant and add credibility and authenticity to your profile (ideal if a potential employer decides to look you up), but you never know who you might have connected with. 

They may scout you out for a job, asking you to work for them. On the other hand, they may know someone who has a role that will be perfect for you. Either way, having connections and contacts on LinkedIn is incredibly beneficial, in more ways than one, it seems.


Kumo is a highly-experienced digital marketing agency in the heart of Nottingham. Able to serve countless clients across the country, we are dedicated to providing first-class marketing services, including SEO, PPC, content writing and website design, to name just a few. If you would like further information about how we can propel your business into the spotlight, setting you apart from your competitors, then get in touch with a member of our friendly, professional team – we’re always pleased to hear from you.


Author Biography


As an experienced Copywriter, Lorna enjoys creating varied content for an abundance of different industries and sectors. From detailed, informative articles to creative infographics, she's always looking to inject originality into the work she produces. When she isn't working, Lorna runs her own lifestyle blog, plays the guitar and loves to take part in charity runs.